» Did U Know?
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DiD YOU KNOW... that there is a video to Wham's Battlestations ???
No, there isn't any...? Of course ![]() » fiction « |
The video begins with George walking into his apartment. He has the same hairstyle and stubble as in the "Edge of Heaven" video, but he's wearing a green sweater with black jeans. We hear the answering machine message of the obnoxious British lady as the camera pans around the apartment. George looks bitter and dejectedly sneers, "You ask too much of me..." Where he says, "I don't think you'd appreciate the things that I hide," we see him in a bar having drinks with some friends. When he mentions Monday and Friday, we see flashbacks of him fighting with his girlfriend, but we see passionate scenes of the two when he gets to Wednesday. In the montage of fights, the two are yelling, and he throws money on the table to placate her. She picks it up and leaves. He throws up his hands in defeat and sighs. Finally, he picks up the answering machine and throws it, snarling, "You don't know how much I hate that answerphone..." In a flashback, an angry George searches through her drawers and finds her diary. He sits on the bed and begins to read it. More fights and make-up sessions ensue, with him giving her roses and chocolates to appease her temper. She remains haughty and condenscending, despite his best efforts. Yet, the two seem to enjoy romantic moments. As the drum solo builds, he picks up the phone and calls her, singing, "Monday was the worst day... Saturday is today, is what I'm thinking of..." She stands outside the door with her cellphone, smiling, and enters the apartment as he says, "Come in, baby..." She begins to strip for him, and he smiles in impassioned delight as he pulls her closer and the two kiss. The romantic scenes get steamier, much as in "Father Figure." At the end, where the woman sings in French, we see him alone in bed. He opens his eyes with a smile until he notices a note on her bedside table. He reaches across, picks up the note, and reads the words written in French, telling him goodbye. He sinks back onto the bed in defeat. |
DiD YOU KNOW... what was said (apart of the lyrics) on beginning and (in French) at the end of Battlestations ??? Well, read here! ![]() |
Answer machine at the start: Odkazovač na začiatku: "La premiere fois, tu m'as fait beaucoup rire, tu etais si mignon et tu jouais du piano. Maintenant, mon meilleur ami, c'est l'argent. Au revoir cheri, au revoir mon amour." |
"Hi this is 329-7895. I'm afraid that I will be away for the next two or three days, but please leave your name and number with my office... and I will get back to you at the weekend. Please speak after the tone..."
"Ahoj, tu je 329-7895. Je mi ľúto, ale budem preč najbližie dva-tri dni, ale prosím, zanechajte mi svoje meno a číslo... a ja vám cez víkend zavolam späť. Prosím, hovorte po tóne..."
DiD YOU KNOW... what's the man in the rest room at the start of the Outside video talking about ??? ![]() |
ViDEO: Vem var hon? Var kom hon ifrln? Vad hade hon ätit? Sen kom jag plötsligt ihlg, det var ingen dröm jag var i... Hollywood... |
ENGLISH: Who was she? Where did she come from? What did she had to eat? The suddenly I remembered, it wasn't a dream, I was in... Hollywood... |
SLOVAK: Kto bola? Odkial prila? Čo jedla? A v tom som si spomenul, to nebol sen, bol som v... Hollywoode... |
VEDELi STE O... týchto detailoch ku klipu Outside? Pesnička je plná super narážok a prenesených významov slova... ![]() |
VEDELi STE O ... klipe k Father Figure toto? ![]() |
Father Figure vysiela dost casto hudobný kanál VH-1. Ja poznám tento klip, ako aj mnohí z vás tiez, z televízie alebo z video-kazety s klipmi k "Faith", avsak trocha ma prekvapilo, ze tá verzia "Father Figure" na VH-1 koncí posledným krátkym záberom na modelku - hlavnú predstavitelku (Tania Coleridge), ktorá je namaskovaná na muza a v ústach má tucnú cigaru. Tento záber som videla doteraz len pri klipe na VH-1 . . . |
VEDELi STE O ... klipe k Too Funky toto? ![]() |
Too Funky sa mi v istom nocnom vysielaní dance-floorovej hudby na hudobnom kanály VIVA 2 podarilo nahrat celý! T.j. nielen 4-minutový klip k piesni, ale aj tomu predchádzajúci 4-minutový úvod bez hudby len so umom hlasov, pokynov reziséra a Georgovych komentárov ("Shit!" - jeho posledné slovo pred zacatím samotného klipu). Na týchto úvodných záberoch je vidno prípravu prehliadky, modelky, reziséra toho celého cirkusu a "aktívne sa ponevierajúceho" Georga (v pestrej koeli a s hlavou plnou vlasov...) ako aj zábery zo zákulisia, obednej prestávky a podobne. Rovnako je tam záznam krátkej scénky, ked si Yog obzerá a chváli modelku oblecenú ako motorka ("To je perfektné!"), ale potom hned uteká z dosahu kamery. Tie "protivné zábery" na modelky ako fajcia ci jedia, natocil George sám (home video). Je to taká celkom milá a vtipná mela... |
DiD YOU KNOW... who directed what? VEDELi STE O TOM... kto zrezíroval co? |
DiD U Know... - Vedeli ste, o tom... ... ze Howard Greenhalgh a Vaughan & Asthea robili aj videá pre Pet Shop Boys - napr. Go West? ... ze Take That kopírovali v klipe ku Why Can't I Wake Up With You Georgeov Freedom '90? |
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... that "D.H.S.S." from Wham Rap stands for "Department of Health and Social Security"? ... ze "D.H.S.S. z Wham Rap znamená "Oddelenie zdravotného a sociálneho zabespecenia"? |
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... that the icons from FAiTH album cover stand for FAiTH-MUSiC-MONEY-RELiGiON-LOVE? ... ze ikonky z obalu albumu FAiTH znamenajú ViERA-HUDBA-PENiAZE-NÁBOZENSTVO-LÁSKA? |
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... what's the joke of George's "cover name" HUGH JARSS? Well, just read it as "huge ars(hole)"... ... v com je vtip pri Georgovom "krycom mene" HUGH JARSS? Cítané ako "huge ars(hole)"... znamená "velká rit"... |
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... that Geri Haliwell's video to "Look At Me" has been made in the great locations of Czech capitol (old city of) PRAGUE? ... ze Geri Haliwellivelová natocila klip k "Look At Me" v krásnych priestoroch Starého mesta v PRAHE? |
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... A Moment With You je pieseň, ktorú George venoval policajtovi Marcelovi ktorý ho zatkol na toaletách Will Rogers Memorial Parku, 7 apríla 1998, pri "vykonávaní sexuálneho deliktu"? |
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... čo je to JiTTERBUG? (vid. text ku Go-Go) 1/ milovník tanca; 2/ tanečný štýl 40-rokov (rýchle džezové alebo swingové tempo alebo tanec na two-step hudbu v 2/4 takte - tancujú ho aj v klipe...) |
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... that Leroy Osbourne, the backing singer from Wham!, has after Wham! split joined Sade and her group? ... ze Leroy Osbourne, backroundový spevák skupiny Wham!, sa po rozchode Wham! pridal ku Sade a jej skupine? |
![]() ... Mr. SIMON NAPIER-BELL? Universal Music Russia has signed Russian singer Alsou to a global, multi-album deal. The 16-year-old, currently based in London, originates from Tatarstan and is a client of former Wham! manager Simon Napier-Bell. Her English-language debut will be produced by Steve Levine (Culture Club, Honeyz) and Russia's Valery Belotserkovski. (Billboard, Dec-15-99) |